Founder and ‘CRO’ (Chief Riding Officer) of ES is Ben, a regular kid who, like so many of us, had a fascination with wheels before he could even walk. There’s a famous story in our family of the Christmas Ben got an electric trike. Barely old enough to even walk, and his first ever attempt to ride a trike, his amused family looked on in total amazement as he swiftly navigated his way around all the chairs and table legs with absolute ease… and a massive grin on his little face.
Ben grew up and the fascination with wheels extended to anything that had them… Toy Cars, Electric Trikes, Penny Boards, Trick Boards, Long Boards, Scooters, BMX Bikes, Mountain Bikes, Road Racing Bikes, Petrol Buggies, Moto X Bikes, Pit Bikes… and so the list goes on. And the garage just kept on getting fuller. Ben’s Dad saw the same journey beginning for his son that he himself had begun nearly 40 years earlier, when he bought his first ever skateboard at Fat Willy’s Surf Shack, and he knew that it would be a journey that would inspire and form the way Ben would see the world. He knew exactly how Ben wanted to travel, and he wanted to be on board.
Where The Journey Is
In our family, we talk about the journey. Our philosophy is don’t be boring. Why concentrate on just getting from A to B, when the journey can be so much fun? Life is a journey, each new day is a journey. And so, with Electric Skateboards, our journey continues in the way we always set out for it to be. With Amazing New Tech, that makes the journey longer, faster and just as much, if not more, fun than it has ever been.
We want to be a part of your journey. Helping to make A to B the adventure it should be. A thrill. Like stepping onto your first ever skateboard on the driveway out the front of your house. Or riding that first electric trike around the Christmas Dinner table.
Personal Travel is a revolution. This is where the journey is.