How do electric skateboards work?

Electric Skateboards work in much the same way as traditional skateboards, but with one big difference – you don’t need to use your feet to propel you on an e-skateboard. Instead of pushing off, a battery-powered motor attached to the rear wheels powers the board for you.But even though e-skateboards have motors, it is still the rider who controls the speed, direction and braking just like it is on an ordinary skateboard. Speed and braking are controlled with a remote, whilst steering is controlled in just the same way as it with a traditional board, by leaning your body into the turns.

What are the differences between riding an e-skateboard and an ordinary skateboard?

Ever carved up a steep hill on a longboard? Well you can on an electric skateboard! Ever accelerated uphill on an ordinary skateboard? Well you can on an electric skateboard! Riding an electric skateboard is designed to be as similar as possible to riding an ordinary longboard and can be ridden in much the same way, except for the fact that there’s no pushing with an electric skateboard! They are designed for insane cruising and carving (including uphill) and although you’d be pushed to make air tricks with them due to their weight, balance tricks, riding low or at the very front and back are all possible with electric skateboards. They’re not designed for skateparks, but you can pretty much do everything you can do on a longboard without a motor.

How fast can electric skateboards go?

It varies from board to board so check out the individual board specs for the exact figures, but top speeds range from 15 mph – to 25 mph. Bear in mind though that these figures are reached on a full battery, and in optimal conditions.

Are electric skateboards waterproof? Can you use them in the rain?

Always check the user manual for specific advice on your scooter or skateboard, however in general we recommend exercising caution with regards getting your product wet as motors and batteries can become damaged if submerged or subjected to water. Some models will state by the manufacturer if they have an IP rating, if they don’t then please feel free to ask us, or if the IP rating is not mentioned in our product listings then we ask that you do not use products in wet conditions as this can lead to water ingress and cause damage.

Where can you legally ride electric scooters in the UK?

We’ve written a detailed answer to this question here.

How long does the battery last?

This will depend on the terrain, whether you’re traveling uphill a lot, the rider’s weight, wheel size, how you ride the board (for example how much stopping and starting you do) as well as how fast you’re going. The higher the speed, the more uphill or difficult the terrain is, and the greater the rider’s weight, the more battery you’ll use and the less mileage you’ll get from the board. 12-15 miles is about average though.

How long do the boards take to charge?

Check individual board specifications for specific charging times as they vary from 2.5 hours – 5 hours. The Mini Fiik has a fast charger option which takes charge times down to just 75 minutes.